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Who We Are

This page is a brief introduction about who we are as a church. We would love to have you join us! Welcome Home to Crossroads Mustang.

Woman with Bible

What We Believe

These four elements, Scripture, Tradition, Reason and Experience taken together bring the individual Christian to a mature and fulfilling understanding of the Christian faith and the required response of worship and service.

Pocket Bible
Woman with Bible

Our Story

Crossroads Mustang is a vibrant church in a growing community with a rich history and an even brighter future. Crossroads Mustang voted in May to disaffiliate from the United Methodist Church. It is ready to enter its new future this Fall with a new pastor to guide, shepherd, and vision alongside the congregation. Crossroads Mustang has around 250 people who worship in person on Sunday mornings. We as a church have agreed to pursue these 4 core values, The Bible matters here, Follow Jesus here, Grace grows here and You belong here.

We invite you to join us on a Sunday Morning at 8:30 for a more traditional service and 11:00 am for a more modern worship experience.

Woman with Bible

Our Community

Mustang, OK was a small town for much of its history as it was established in the late 1800s. Located 25 minutes Southwest of Oklahoma City, the town became a city 52 years ago and has grown from 2600 people in 1970 to 20,000 people today. Mustang has a small-town feel with big-city benefits. Located in the fastest-growing county in Oklahoma, Mustang continues to maintain its commitment to being a great community to raise a family and be connected. The median age of Mustang residents is 38 years and the median household income is $81,532.

Woman with Bible

Our History

Crossroads Mustang is the oldest continually-meeting church in Mustang established in 1902. The Mustang Church was built for $1600 in downtown Mustang. In a few short years, the Mustang Methodist Church had 52 members on its rolls. In 1927, a tornado struck Mustang Methodist Church and much of downtown Mustang. The bell, which still rings out front of the church today, was saved as well as the pulpit which was found in a tree two blocks away. The church quickly rebuilt and continued its mission in the community.

Crossroads Mustang LOGO small.png

211 W. State Hwy 152

Mustang, OK 73064


Sunday Worship

Traditional - 8:30 am

Sunday School - 9:45 am

Modern - 11:00 am

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